`Eid Prayer
What Happens If You Miss `Eid Prayer?
If you reach the place of the `Eid prayer while the Imam is delivering the Khutbah, you should listen to the Khutbah, then you should make up the `Eid prayer after that.68,025- 76,149
A weak hadith about the virtue of praying qiyaam on the night before Eid
- 14,456
Call to Eid prayer
- 178,623
When should the takbeer for Eid al-Fitr begin?
- 112,504
Is it better for woman to go out to the Eid prayers or to stay at home?
- 57,673
Should two khutbahs be given on Eid or only one?
- 20,442
What is prescribed for the one who comes to the Eid prayer-place?
- 14,963
Joining the imam during the additional takbeers